Top 5 Free Tools to Check Plagiarism

If you’re a writer or Website owner, you’ve probably heard the word Plagiarism. Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work as your own. Plagiarism occurs when you fail to demonstrate originality in your work, regardless of how accomplished you are as a writer. Many tools are available on the internet to check Plagiarism. In this article, we provide you with the top 5 free plagiarism checker tools to ensure your content is original or not.

Free Plagiarism Checker Tools

Many content Plagiarism checker tools are available on the internet. Some of them are free, and some charge for their services. But in this article, we only mention the free tools that work.

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1. PLText: Plagiarism Checker Tool

Our first free Plagiarism checker tool is PLText. I found this tool very useful for me. In addition to Plagiarism checking, you can also use PLText to rewrite plagiarized content.

2. Fixgerald: Detect Plagiarism

Our second Plagiarism checker tool is Fixgerald. Fixgerald is also a free tool to check plagiarism. Furthermore, it analyzes your Grammarly errors. You have to create an account to check for plagiarism in your article.

3. Plagium: Quick Plagiarism Checker Tool

Our third tool in the Plagiarism checker tools list is Plagium. Plagium is also a free tool with some limitations. You can do a Quick Search without creating an account. But for a deep search, you need an account.

Plagium Quick Plagiarism Checker Tool

4. 1Text: 3-in-1 Plagiarism Checker Tool

1Text is a useful Plagiarism checker tool. It’s a 3-in-1 tool to check plagiarism, Grammarly errors and word counts. Overall it’s a very effective tool, but it takes a bit of time to check for plagiarism.

1Text Plagiarism-Checker-Tool

5. Best Alternative to Quetext

It is the most effective Plagiarism checker tool and I found that it gave similar results to Quetext. Both sites returned the same result when I checked one article.

It checks all types of plagiarism to give you the most accurate results. You can use this tool for free and without registration.

Bonus: Duplichecker: Famous Plagiarism Checker Tool

The last tool in our Plagiarism checker tool list is Duplichecker. Duplichecker is a famous tool. I believe a lot of people are already aware of this tool. You can use the Duplichecker tool for both grammatical and plagiarism checking.

Bonus 2: AI Text Classifier: AI Written Text Finder Tool

AI Text Classifier is an OpenAI tool to check plagiarism. This tool only finds plagiarism in AI-written text such as ChatGPT. You can only detect plagiarism in English content that contains 150-250 words.


We have listed the top 5 Plagiarism checker tools above. These tools will help you make your content original.

These tools are helpful for both writers and website owners. Further, Plagiarism content makes a negative impact on Website SEO. So it’s always advisable to post un-plagiarized content.

We hope the information in this blog post has helped you detect plagiarism in your content! Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. We would love to hear from you!